Friday, 6 December 2013

How Is Evilness Represented In This Scene?

In this clip of Star Wars we see evilness represented in many ways. For example through the way Anakin develops through the scene. When we first see Anakin enter the scene its a shot of his aircraft landing in with an extremely low angle shot to make him look superior. This shot has been used to make him seem heoric and as if he is there to save the day. Just before Anakin enters there is loud dramatic symphonies as well as digetic lightsabre noises; this loud audio immediately stops when Anakin is seen landing into the scene to emphasize his entrance. Following this loud trumpets start up and the tempo slowly increases to suggest that the tension is increasing. This could also infer that the evil is rising within Anakin as he progresses from being heroic to then turning evil. The loud roar of the aircraft's engines accompany this with the increasing parallel sound as it gets closer to signify his arrival and the start of his downfall to evil.

This entrance is very contrasting with the end shot of Anakin on his knees and the old evil man leaning over. This highlights how evil is now controlling him and this is shown through the fact he is on his knees begging to evil as the old evil man can be seen as an icon to evil or the devil - as if he represents the peak of evil.The fact we see Anakin in the end of the scene on his knees begging to evil proves to us how evil is being represented as bad as before he was seen as heroic and bold entering the scene and now we see him in a completely different light as we are now looking down on him and we realise that evil has done this to him. This is odd as at the beginning the old protagonist is seen as a respectful man sitting at the table over the city with the natural light behind him lighting up the scene. This then contrasts with he same end scene as he is seen with a long shot with him standing over Anakin as well as the city as it is in the background with only artificial light lighting up the scenery. This is to emphasize the change in character and how evilness has progressed through the clip. The fact he was the old protagonist and scenery was once lit by the natural light and now by the artificial lighting in the room suggests how he has now become fake and even more how evil is a bad thing as if it is fake, as nature is good and something you need in life so the fact this fake artificial light is what comes out on top proves evil to be bad.

Anakin again enlightens us on evil within the clip and how it is represented as he progresses through the clip. we can see this in the way he is presented at the start and end. For example he is at start portrayed to be heroic and good as his hair is light and his face is lit up with expressions of distress when he reacts to the conflict as if he is against it. However as the scene progresses the light dims and the darkness increases as the light sources get destroyed in the fight which makes Anakins appearance darker with his hair and darkness across his body. This shows the spread of evil. This is then reinforced with the loud non-digetic sound building up as the darkness and fight increases as if it is reaching its climax as the plot thickens. Anakins face then changes and becomes eviler as he reacts to the conflict with a angry expression. Anakin then gives in to evil and the pressure as evil is seen throughout slowly taking over Anakin until he gave in and saved the old protagonist. Evil is therefore shown to be very persuasive, sinister and sly. After Anakin gives in he completely sacrifices himself to evil which emphasizes my previous point of evil. When Anakin then sacrifices himself to evil he completely changes mood. He then gets down on his knees. This imagery of him on his knees with the old protagonist leaning over him and darkness pervading the scene highlights how much Anakin has changed and the effects evil has on him to cause his state to change so much, we can see this through his body language, the dark lighting, long shot to capture the scenery and the destruction of the conflict and furthermore what evil has done.

Evil is therefore presented as a bad influence that is a pervading theme throughout the clip which becomes more powerful as it progresses as if good was first on top and then in the end evil wins and causes complete destruction. The scenery, mise-en-scene, make-up and lighting in the ending scene prove this to us and shows the contrast from the start of the clip where evil was not present. Evil is almost seen as a presence as the clip progresses as it is represented through the old protagonist and Anakin.

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