Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Links In Key Concepts

This lesson we then looking deep into each of the key concepts in our learning of media, we then reviewed how each of these in fact linked in to one another and how everything in media is linked together.

Everything overall boils down in my opinion to representation as everything in media is just someone re-presentation of something e.g. characters, props, scenes, scenery, emotion, genre, stereotypes etc. Are all chosen in a certain way to be re-presented by either a director, producer or someone to portray a certain message or image to their  audience. This is because different people and genres, films, extracts etc. have different target audiences due to peoples likes and dislikes and what they find entertaining. Therefore this is not only up to the director or whoever chooses this representation but also up to the audience and how they chose to interpret the piece of work. This means everything in media is in a constant flux and constantly linked and changing. Whether its semiotics, binary opposites, representation, genre, narrative, editing or anything else.

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